Evraak Second Album “REQUIEM FOR LOST TIDES” Will Release 18th,Dec 2024!!

CD: DiskUnion , World Disque and more
Streaming: Spotify , Apple music , Youtube music , Amazon music , And more

The Japanese prog rock group Evraak was formed in 2018 by Koji Kawashima and Hayawo Kanno, with four musicians from different backgrounds.
Live Schedule

2024/12/20 曇ヶ原×Evraak 合同ライブ
曇ヶ原×Evraak 同時発売記念・合同ライブ『第一次プログレ現象』
Place : 高円寺HIGH
Ticket 前売 ¥4,500 当日 5,000 + 1drink
Open :18:30
Start : 19:00

Place : 秋葉原 Club Goodman
Ticket 前売 ¥5,000 当日 5,500 + 1drink
Open :15:30
Start : 16:00

2024/5/18 NEW SPORTS SEMINAR vol.15
Place: 早稲田リネン
Ticket : Adv: ¥2,500 +1DRK Door: ¥2,800 +1DRK
Open : 18:00
Start : 18:30

2024/5/11 Tokyo Doom Fest Vol 1
Place: 両国SUNRIZE
Ticket : Adv: ¥4,400 +1DRK Door: ¥4,700 +1DRK
Under 25: ¥1,900+1DRK
Open : 14:30
Start : 15:00